Address Parser Library

.NET Edition

address parser library .net version

Product details :

  • For in-house use
  • Royalty free
  • Embeddable in your software
  • Easy to integrate
  • No database required
  • No internet connection needed
  • Dependencies included (1 DLL)
  • Price depends on the countries you need
  • .Net API (check sample code)
  • Embedable in your SI or in your software
  • Country detection
  • Pay once, use for ever

Try the online version for free !

The .Net library can be embeded in your software. Only one dependencies is required and provided. You can use it in all languages available in the .NET plateform : C#, C++, Delphi,, F#, J#. If you want to use it with an other language, you should use the Java version and the HTTP connector) to run the parser as a webservice and call it from your favorite language (C, Python, Ruby, PHP, ...). You must have one of the following .NET frameworks installed:
  • Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 (or later) SDK (Windows platform)
  • Mono 1.2 (or later) (Linux)

Free trial

Ask for your evaluation version now. It is free of charge. The goal of the evaluation version is to test the integration of the parser (The relevance can be tested with the online version).

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